Monthly Archives: June 2023

Understanding past to know the now

It is also important to understand how one has reached where one is, and this cannot be done without understanding history

May 27, 2023, was a landmark day in the history of India. The inauguration of the Parliament building upscaled the facilities of the Parliament, which has seen historic and tumultuous changes of an unprecedented variety. The changes were not just historical, technological, and in the nature of representation. It was a conceptual breakthrough. Just one event was unprecedented and memorable enough to be forever remembered. The event was the midnight of August 14 and 15, 1947, when India, as a union, evoked its right to self-rule in an unprecedented manner. The sub-continent of India had been larger and unified many times in history before August 15, 1947.

Since time immemorial, if nothing else, from the land of Gandhara (present-day Afghanistan) to the deep woods of the northwestern region depicting what is present-day Myanmar, one had seen political unity in various tranches of time. It was not just from west to east but also from north to south. What is today known as Kashmir is clearly traceable to the efforts of the legendary ascetic better known as Rishi Kashyapa in an era […]

By |2024-02-28T17:14:10+00:00June 21st, 2023|Columns|0 Comments

Judgement, education and effective action

Whether one is the top man or the so-called bottom man, there is always an element of decision-making vested in the role

One of the critical components of decision-making is the ability to decipher decision spaces. Consider the example of a doorkeeper. By any standards, it is a lowly rank and humble in many ways. Yet, in times of knocking at the door, that position becomes more important than that of the Chairman himself. It is the doorkeeper’s decision to let somebody in or keep him out. It is a power loaded with security concerns and at times with grave implications of time, life and death. Consider a situation where somebody is ill, and a doctor has been summoned in the late hours of the evening to the building to take care of the ailing person.

The doctor does not get a security clearance, but his entry into the building is critical. Like anything else, there is a risk involved, and somebody may be impersonating the doctor; there may be a rogue doctor or the doctor himself may be very impatient—the possibilities are several. The judgement of the gatekeeper and the judgement to be exercised on the spot make him the kingpin, […]

By |2024-02-28T18:21:20+00:00June 2nd, 2023|Columns, Contemporary|0 Comments
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