Monthly Archives: November 2023

The cornerstone of all relationships

Whether lying gets you to hell or not, the truth is that credibility is the foundations of all relationships which must be protected at all costs

The essence of life is credibility. There is a story from the Mahabharata where there was an announcement in the battle to the effect of “Ashwatthama Hatow” (Ashwatthama is dead). The play on the name Ashwatthama was intended. There was an elephant by the name of Ashwatthama, and the name of the son of Dronacharya was Ashwatthama. Therefore, it was not clear from the announcement who died: was it the man or the elephant? In the middle of the battle, Dronacharya heard this announcement and is reported to have opined, Let Yudhishthira say this.

The essence was simple: Yudhishthira being the ‘truthful’ man, was expected not to not lie on this. When evoked by the Dronacharya, Yudhishthira said in a loud voice, “Ashwatthama Hatow: ha Iti, Naro va Kunjaro va naiw Janamee” (Ashwatthama is dead, whether it is a man or an elephant, I can’t say). Shri Krishna knew that Yudhishthira was going to say this. To fool Dronacharya, strategically, as soon as Yudhishthira said Narova… he blew his conch. In the sound of the conch, […]

By |2024-02-29T10:24:47+00:00November 23rd, 2023|Columns, Contemporary|0 Comments

Language: Emotional connect and more

Languages growing simultaneously in any society are a binding force. Language cannot be a reason for mutual exclusion and antipathy

Communication is central to all living entities. Plants communicate; creatures and animals communicate; and, of course, human beings communicate. They communicate not only amongst themselves but also across different categories and species. The examples are many, the illustrations are numerous, hence, there is no need to over-emphasise this aspect of communication. The big concern is not with the act of communication but with the modes of communication.

For example, the uses and anatomy of communication among plants are well mapped, but there are not many who attempted an extensive research study of plant communication.

There are some exceptions, especially in the form of references and awareness. Illustratively, Kalidasa, in his epic drama ‘Abhigyan Shakuntalam’, would have us believe that when Shakuntala was leaving the ‘Tapovana’ (the hermitage) of Sage ‘Kanva’, the creepers of the jungle wrapped themselves around Shakuntala to bid an emotional farewell. What Shakuntala said would probably never be known, but it was obvious that sentiments and expressions were involved. The creepers wrapped themselves around Shakuntala as a kind of embrace and communication medium. Like an electronic system, the system of […]

By |2024-02-29T10:28:20+00:00November 8th, 2023|Columns|0 Comments
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