Monthly Archives: February 2021

University Energy Concerns

A grasp of the methods of transition in the past, from one energy era to another, is important

Each social grouping has its mythology. The sense in which the phrase social groupings is being used in this text refers to human aggregations popularly clubbed as a category, such as “the rich”, “the poor”, “the professional”, “the sailor” and so on. The rich have a sub-category that is derisively referred to. This sub-category is called “the nouveau riche,” which is supposed to be loud in its display of recently-acquired wealth. Whether as a characteristic this is true or not has never been empirically tested, however it is believed to be true. Similarly, many professional groups such as engineers, doctors, et al look down upon history as a discipline. A professional historian is neither taken seriously nor referred to with the mellowness which any “serious” professional would have been. So be it!

Applying this yardstick of traits to the profession of energy specialists, the same kind of syndrome can be found. Unexplained professional myopia prevents many of them from recognising that the need for green energy is not a first energy shift that has ever touched the human civilisation. Energy shifts are as old […]

By |2021-02-16T10:44:00+00:00February 15th, 2021|Columns, Ocean Resources|Comments Off on University Energy Concerns

Of CONCEPTS AND experience

Conceptual systems and the experience kit are must for decision-making, as this is the key to survival

It is natural for people to try to understand anything they are faced with. It can be a person, a situation or an experience. If we cannot respond to a situation in an organised fashion we tend to invent a framework for understanding or simply withdraw. Thus, it is important to recognise that concepts are necessary to understand a situation. Relationships between concepts constitute a conceptual system. In fact, information on a concept calls for a whole network of expectations on the fundamental elements of a situation. Meeting with a “nobody” on the streets cannot be equated to meeting an unknown person who is known to be socially powerful. Clearly, expectations are different in the two situations so the behaviour is modulated. The challenge most people have is that of never having learnt “how to think.” It never formed a part of their curriculum and not many people are able to achieve it on their own. Concepts often acquire a value and can evoke sensory images. One relates to them positively or negatively.

Without becoming esoteric, the pandemic is a perfect example. The number of […]

By |2021-02-16T10:46:46+00:00February 1st, 2021|Columns, Healthcare & Covid|Comments Off on Of CONCEPTS AND experience
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